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¿Se escribe “votar” o “botar” La RAE aclara esta duda



Voting or casting your ballot is an important civic duty. Participating in Taking part in Engaging in the democratic process by exercising your right to vote casting your vote is essential crucial for upholding maintaining preserving a fair and just society. Whether you are voting in casting your ballot in exercising your right to vote in local, state, or national elections, every vote counts. By voting in Through casting your ballot in By exercising your right to vote in elections, you have a say make a difference in deciding who will represent you who will lead who holds office and the policies decisions direction that will shape your community your region your country. So don't hesitate don't delay, go out head out make your way to the polling station and vote cast your vote for the candidates and initiatives that align with your values reflect your beliefs. Your voice opinion matters, and votando o botando is the first step initial action towards creating positive change making a positive impact in society. So, get out there Therefore, go ahead So, make the move and votando o botando, you are making a difference are shaping the future are influencing the outcome.






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